So Lowe’s left a message at home that windows would be delivered Tuesday morning between 9:30 and 10:30am. There was no return number or instructions. Nonetheless, I stayed Tuesday morning for the deilvery. The windows arrived at 11:15am (only 45 minutes late compared to the other deliveries which were worse). Twelve arrived, and Wednesday should have begun installation.
On Wednesday morning, Chris from Adams Home Exteriors stopped by around 8:30am saying that they didn’t hear the windows were delivered until late night so there would not be any windows people available to begin installation until Thursday – although there is a chance the installers would be able to stop by late Wednesday to begin. Of course this is a completely bogus excuse because Shawn had stated they would be installing Wednesday, and he gave no qualifications (such as needing to know if the windows arrived), or asked me to let him know. In fact, if anyone from Adams had any doubt on Tuesday when they were supposedly scheduled workers, they could have called, emailed, or texted me, the customer.
Nonetheless, Thursday morning came, and the snowfall Wednesday night slowed down but did not stop installation. Paul and Jason from Adams Home Exteriors arrived to begin installation. However, they asked where all the windows were because there were only 12. So here is my email to Shawn Adams, Stacey Skelton, Ruchelle Green, Xavier Skinn, and Rose Harris:
I am not sure at this point who would be responsible for addressing window ordering issues so I am sending this to all of you, but I will follow up with Stacey or Ruchelle if I hear nothing by Friday.
Paul and Jason from Adams Home Exteriors came today to replace the wood grain windows and install the remaining windows, and they were wondering where the rest of the windows were, i.e., twelve arrived Tuesday. However, here is the list of windows that are not installed or need replacing:
- One on the 2nd floor (west gable closet) – this window was the one that arrived with a cracked exterior frame
- The 7 wood grain windows on the 1st floor (northern wall and west gable bathroom) – these were the wood grain windows with scuffs and gauges
- The laundry room window (westernmost window on the south wall) – I don’t know what the problem with this one was
- The main 4 windows on the front of the house (south side) – these arrived with wood grain when they should have been white
- Five windows in the basement front wall (2 in the family room and 3 in the garage) – one window was never measured/included/ordered and according to Paul, the other four from the first batch did not fit
Therefore, by my count (above), there are 18 windows needing installation. That means 6 windows were not re-ordered or have not arrived yet.
According to Paul, Shawn had said that someone from Lowes was supposed to meet him twice during the initial installation to go over the problems, and no one from Lowes ever showed up.
Since Lowes and Adams should be coordinating, his email should just be serving to help make sure communications are happening and that this will be followed up. As people should know, this project was to be completed in November, and if more windows need to be re-re-reordered, we are looking at more significant delays.
Thank you.
Fred Hagemeister
Therefore, even if the windows get installed, there seem to be another 6 that are missing or need re-re-ordering.
After that, things did not go better. Installation began, and I noticed they were not applying sealant to the window frames. I then noticed that they didn’t seem to be putting in fiberglass in the header expansion like the Reliabilt instructions say (see the manufacturer instructions below from .

So I sent the following to Adams and Lowe’s:
The windows are being installed (I assume the 2nd floor ones were done the same way) without steps 2 and 3 in the Reliabit instructions and without the fiberglass in the 1″ – 1-1/2″ header space in step 4. I expect the windows to be installed according to Reliabilt specifications, and I assume Lowe’s does as well.
Shawn responded that he will be talking with Lowe’s.
Regarding the windows ordering issues, Xavier responded that she will check up on it.