I Guess No More Work Until After Holidays

So the other 2/3 of the windows that were supposed to be installed in November but had problems should have arrived December 20 for installation.  However, even with emails and texts to the salesperson and another attempted call to the Lowe’s project office (CPO?), I can’t get any responses (Xavier at the CPO was supposed to call me but never did).

Further, there doesn’t seem to be any progress on the kitchen or dryer vent situation.  Maybe the kitchen wall cap that was supposedly on-site has disappeared and needed -reordering along with the dryer vent and jumbo block for the kitchen vent.  Nor has there been anything about the floodlight j-block.

So nothing has been done on the house for a few days, and it looks like nothing will get done until after the holidays.  Meanwhile, every window that was installed (along with the 7 that were installed with problems) have exposed areas around the windows.  Better yet, I can see through cracks in the interior wood trim outside, meaning that there are gaps of 1/16″ or more on every window and have been for over a month (happy heating bills).  Just as importantly, because of having to dismantle the kitchen vent to wait for installation, we have no fume hood or microwave in the kitchen and have not had one for a couple weeks.  SO we are going through the holidays not being able to cook in our house.

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